veering Synonym

Synonyme veering

turning - swerving - deviating - shifting - changing direction - diverting - zigzagging - curving - bending - twisting - meandering - angling - deflecting - veering off - veering away - veering aside - veering to the left - veering to the right - altering course - steering - heading - tacking - yawing - slewing - swinging - wheeling - looping - orbiting - circling - spiraling - winding - snaking - weaving - sidestepping - dodging - detouring - bypassing - skirting - edging - drifting - gliding - sliding - slanting - inclining - tilting - leaning - listing - lurching - careening - rolling

Veering refers to the act of changing direction abruptly or deviating from an original course. It is often used to describe the steering of a vehicle or the movement of a person or object. For example, a car might veer off the road, or a conversation might veer off-topic. This term is commonly used in navigation and driving contexts, as well as in more abstract scenarios to indicate a sudden change in focus or topic.

Category: Movement Tags: Direction Change Shift

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