underlining the deficiencies Synonym

Synonyme underlining the deficiencies

highlighting the shortcomings - emphasizing the flaws - pointing out the weaknesses - underscoring the inadequacies - stressing the deficiencies - drawing attention to the faults - accentuating the limitations - spotlighting the drawbacks - underlining the faults - marking the imperfections - indicating the insufficiencies - noting the defects - revealing the gaps - exposing the failings - identifying the issues - bringing out the problems - showcasing the errors - flagging the deficiencies - calling attention to the flaws - pinpointing the weaknesses - illuminating the shortcomings - detailing the inadequacies - outlining the faults - clarifying the limitations - specifying the drawbacks - elaborating on the defects - focusing on the insufficiencies - underlining the gaps - emphasizing the failings - highlighting the issues - pointing out the problems - underscoring the errors - stressing the gaps - drawing attention to the failings - accentuating the issues - spotlighting the problems - marking the defects - indicating the gaps - noting the failings - revealing the issues - exposing the problems - identifying the gaps - bringing out the errors - showcasing the failings - flagging the issues - calling attention to the problems - pinpointing the gaps - illuminating the failings - detailing the issues

Unter 'underlining the deficiencies' versteht man den Prozess, bei dem die Mängel oder Schwächen eines bestimmten Systems, Prozesses oder Produkts hervorgehoben werden. Dies geschieht in der Regel, um verbesserungsbedürftige Bereiche zu identifizieren und Lösungen vorzuschlagen, wie diese Mängel behoben werden können. Es ist ein kritischer Teil der Qualitätssicherung und wird häufig in Audits, Inspektionen und Bewertungen verwendet.

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