tractable Synonym

Synonyme tractable

manageable - compliant - docile - amenable - obedient - submissive - pliable - malleable - flexible - yielding - governable - controllable - tame - biddable - accommodating - cooperative - willing - persuadable - teachable - trainable - ductile - soft - meek - gentle - easygoing - unresisting - unassertive - acquiescent - obliging - responsive - agreeable - conformable - adaptable - modifiable - adjustable - moldable - shapeable - manipulable - influenceable - suggestible - impressionable - tractile - facile - easy - undemanding - unchallenging - untroublesome

The term 'tractable' describes an individual or object that is easily managed, controlled, or influenced. It implies a certain flexibility and willingness to follow directions or adapt to changes. A tractable person or entity typically shows compliance and adjustability in various situations, making interactions more straightforward and predictable.

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