thinking up a strategy Synonym

Synonyme thinking up a strategy

strategizing - planning - devising a plan - formulating a strategy - crafting a strategy - developing a strategy - designing a strategy - plotting - scheming - mapping out a plan - creating a strategy - engineering a plan - organizing a strategy - preparing a strategy - arranging a plan - setting up a strategy - constructing a strategy - hatching a plan - concocting a strategy - framing a strategy - outlining a plan - drafting a strategy - inventing a strategy - coming up with a strategy - figuring out a plan - working out a strategy - brainstorming a strategy - conceptualizing a plan - masterminding a strategy - charting a course - laying out a plan - strategizing a plan - blue-sky thinking - envisioning a strategy - projecting a plan - calculating a strategy - premeditating a plan - foreseeing a strategy - preplanning a strategy - prearranging a plan - contriving a strategy - improvising a plan - speculating a strategy - hypothesizing a plan - theorizing a strategy - contemplating a plan - deliberating a strategy - mulling over a plan - pondering a strategy

Thinking up a strategy involves the process of planning, developing, and outlining a method or plan to achieve a specific goal. It typically requires analysis, critical thinking, and foresight to anticipate potential challenges and opportunities. The process includes identifying objectives, determining the resources needed, and deciding on the actions required to achieve the desired outcome. The end goal of thinking up a strategy is to create a systematic plan that can guide efforts efficiently and effectively towards success.

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