telepaths Synonym

Synonyme telepaths

mind-readers - psychics - clairvoyants - mentalists - seers - sensitives - intuitives - empaths - thought-readers - extrasensory perceivers - telepathists - mind-benders - thought-transmitters - mind-communicators - psi-gifted individuals - parapsychologists - mind-sensitives - thought-sensitives - brainwave-readers - mind-interpreters - thought-interpreters - mental communicators - mind-linkers - thought-linkers - mind-senders - thought-senders - mind-receivers - thought-receivers - mind-explorers - thought-explorers - mind-probers - thought-probers - mind-detectives - thought-detectives - mind-scouts - thought-scouts - mind-seekers - thought-seekers - mind-diviners - thought-diviners - mind-analysts - thought-analysts - mind-telepaths - thought-telepaths - mind-psychics - thought-psychics

Telepaths are individuals who possess the supernatural ability to transmit and receive thoughts directly from one mind to another without the use of speech or other conventional forms of communication. This skill, often depicted in science fiction and fantasy genres, allows a telepath to understand or manipulate the thoughts, feelings, and intentions of others. The scope and strength of a telepath's abilities can vary widely, from basic empathy to full-scale mind control.

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