4 Synonym-Gruppen zu Wahrheiten

Synonyme Suchen

Synonyme zum Thema Wahrheiten

bringing to light the fabrications

exposing-the-lies, revealing-the-deceptions, uncovering-the-falsehoods, disclosing-the-fabrications, unmasking-the-lies, bringing-to-light-the-deceptions, revealing-the-falsehoods, exposing-the-falseh... [mehr]


realize, actualize, manifest, appear, emerge, come into being, take shape, become real, become tangible, become concrete, happen, occur, transpire, develop, form, crystallize, coalesce, solidify, take... [mehr]

revealing facts

disclosing, uncovering, exposing, divulging, unveiling, unmasking, unearthing, bringing to light, laying bare, making known, letting out, letting slip, spilling the beans, giving away, betraying, show... [mehr]

bringing to light the veracities

revealing-the-truths, uncovering-the-facts, exposing-the-realities, disclosing-the-truths, unveiling-the-verities, bringing-out-the-truths, laying-bare-the-facts, bringing-to-light-the-truths, making-... [mehr]