8 Synonym-Gruppen zu Eskalation

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Synonyme zum Thema Eskalation

Deeskalation von Konflikten

konflikte entschärfen, konflikte abbauen, konflikte reduzieren, konflikte mildern, konflikte verringern, konflikte lösen, konflikte beilegen, konflikte schlichten, konflikte entschlichten, k... [mehr]

easing the conflict

mitigating the conflict, alleviating the conflict, reducing the conflict, lessening the conflict, softening the conflict, moderating the conflict, tempering the conflict, diminishing the conflict, def... [mehr]

bringing out the conflicts

highlighting the conflicts, exposing the conflicts, revealing the conflicts, uncovering the conflicts, disclosing the conflicts, bringing to light the conflicts, making the conflicts visible, bringing... [mehr]

defusing a critical situation

de-escalating a critical situation, calming a critical situation, mitigating a critical situation, resolving a critical situation, alleviating a critical situation, easing a critical situation, pacify... [mehr]

defusing a dispute

resolving a conflict, settling an argument, mediating a disagreement, calming a dispute, diffusing tension, pacifying a quarrel, reconciling differences, easing a conflict, mitigating a dispute, allev... [mehr]

mitigate tensions, soothe tensions

ease tensions, alleviate tensions, reduce tensions, calm tensions, defuse, lessen tensions, diminish tensions, pac tensions, mollify tensions, assuage tensions, relieve tensions, temper tensions, mode... [mehr]

suppress tensions

ease tensions, reduce tensions, alleviate tensions, defuse tensions, mitigate tensions, calm tensions, lessen tensions, diminish tensions, relieve tensions, soothe tensions, pacify tensions, mollify t... [mehr]

soothe tensions

ease tensions, calm tensions, alleviate tensions, reduce tensions, defuse tensions, pacify tensions, mitigate tensions, mollify tensions, placate tensions, assuage tensions, relieve tensions, lessen t... [mehr]