20 Synonym-Gruppen zu Einigen

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Synonyme zum Thema Einigen

reach a beneficial agreement

come to a favorable agreement, achieve a positive settlement, secure a beneficial deal, reach a mutually advantageous agreement, arrive at a profitable arrangement, attain a beneficial consensus, esta... [mehr]

obtaining an equitable agreement

reaching-a-fair-deal, achieving-a-just-agreement, securing-an-equitable-settlement, negotiating-a-fair-contract, establishing-a-balanced-agreement, attaining-a-fair-resolution, concluding-a-fair-agree... [mehr]

settle equitably

resolve fairly, resolve justly, resolve impartially, resolve equitably, resolve evenhandedly, resolveally, resolve unbiasedly, resolve objectively, resolve righteously, resolve honorably, resolve ethi... [mehr]


scrubbing, cleaning, scouring, scrubbing down, washing, scrubbing out, scrubbing off, scrubbing away, scrubbing clean, scrubbing thoroughly, scrubbing hard, scrubbing vigorously, scrubbing intensely,... [mehr]


removing, peeling, taking off, shedding, undressing, disrobing, unwrapping, divesting, dismantling, unpeeling, unrobing, unclothing, uncovering, denuding, baring, exposing, laying bare, revealing, unm... [mehr]


rinsing, flushing, cleansing, scrubbing, cleaning, purging, scouring, washing, rinsing out, flushing out, cleansing out, scrubbing out, cleaning out, purging out, scouring out


cleansing, expelling, purifying, clearing, eliminating, removing, detoxifying, flushing, evacuating, eradicating, emptying, cleaning, washing out, purgation, purification, riddance, scrubbing, sanitiz... [mehr]

settle the discussion

resolve the debate, end the argument, conclude the discussion, the argument, resolve the issue, end the dispute, settle the matter, resolve the conflict, bring to a conclusion, come to an agreement, r... [mehr]

solidify an agreement

finalize, confirm, cement, secure, establish, formalize, ratify, seal, conclude, endorse, validate, settle, lock in, firm up, clinch, agree upon, make official, substantiate, corroborate, authenticate... [mehr]

settle the negotiation

resolve the negotiation, conclude the negotiation, finalize the negotiation, close the negotiation, complete the negotiation, wrap up the negotiation, end the negotiation, settle the discussion, resol... [mehr]

achieve a settlement

reach an agreement, come to terms, settle, resolve, negotiate a settlement, finalize a deal, conclude an agreement, make a deal, reach a compromise, settle differences, agree, come to an understanding... [mehr]

settle on a mutually acceptable solution

agree, compromise, negotiate, reach a consensus, find common, come to terms, settle, resolve, reach an agreement, make a deal, reconcile, mediate, arbitrate, harmonize, concur, consent, collaborate, c... [mehr]


polieren, glätten, schleifen, aufpolieren, blankreiben, auf Hochglanz bringen, feinschleifen, glanzpolieren, nachpolieren, veredeln


mixing, combining, merging, fusing, integrating, amalgamating, uniting, mingling, intermingling, interweaving, incorporating, homogenizing, coalescing, assimilating,ingling, conjoining, interblending,... [mehr]

in Ordnung stellen

ordnen, sortieren, arrangieren, aufräumen, einordnen, systematisieren, strukturieren, organisieren, regeln, bereinigen, klären, in Form bringen, in Ordnung bringen, in Schuss bringen, in Sta... [mehr]