stirs Synonym

Synonyme stirs

mixes - blends - agitates - whisks - churns - swirls - beats - stirs up - stirs in - stirs together - stirs around - stirs thoroughly - stirs briskly - stirs gently - stirs continuously - stirs occasionally - stirs vigorously - stirs slowly - stirs evenly - stirs carefully - stirs lightly - stirs rapidly - stirs smoothly - stirs steadily - stirs softly - stirs quietly - stirs silently - stirs noiselessly - stirs soundlessly - stirs fluidly - stirs seamlessly - stirs effortlessly - stirs uniformly - stirs consistently - stirs persistently - stirs repeatedly - stirs frequently - stirs intermittently - stirs sporadically - stirs irregularly - stirs erratically - stirs unpredictably - stirs randomly - stirs haphazardly - stirs chaotically - stirs turbulently - stirs tumultuously - stirs frenetically - stirs frantically

The term 'stirs' refers to the action of causing movement in a substance, typically by using an instrument like a spoon to mix or agitate the material. This can include physical stirring as in cooking or metaphorical stirring such as stirring up emotions or memories. The primary purpose of stirring is to achieve a uniform distribution of elements or to induce a reaction.

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