stashing Synonym

Synonyme stashing

hoarding - storing - hiding - concealing - caching - squirreling away - saving - stockpiling - accumulating - amassing - collecting - safeguarding - securing - preserving - keeping - reserving - warehousing - depositing - putting away - tucking away - laying away - setting aside - banking - stowing - packing away - locking away - secreting - sheltering - protecting - harboring - ensconcing

Stashing refers to the act of putting away or storing something, typically money or other resources, for future use. The term often implies a level of secrecy or discretion, suggesting that the items being stashed are kept out of sight and potentially in a secure or hidden location. In a financial context, stashing can refer to saving money in a savings account, an investment, or even physically hiding cash. It can also apply to non-financial items, such as stashing supplies, like food or other necessities, for future use. The concept is often associated with the idea of building a reserve or buffer to protect against future uncertainties or emergencies.

Category: Finance Tags: Saving Hiding Stockpiling

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