spotlighting the disagreements Synonym

Synonyme spotlighting the disagreements

highlighting the disagreements - emphasizing the disagreements - focusing on the disagreements - drawing attention to the disagreements - underscoring the disagreements - pointing out the disagreements - showcasing the disagreements - accentuating the disagreements - stressing the disagreements - illuminating the disagreements - bringing out the disagreements - foregrounding the disagreements - exposing the disagreements - revealing the disagreements - magnifying the disagreements - underlining the disagreements - calling attention to the disagreements - making prominent the disagreements - bringing to light the disagreements - shedding light on the disagreements - putting a spotlight on the disagreements - zeroing in on the disagreements - singling out the disagreements - flagging the disagreements - pinpointing the disagreements - marking the disagreements - identifying the disagreements - noting the disagreements - indicating the disagreements - signifying the disagreements - denoting the disagreements - articulating the disagreements - clarifying the disagreements - elaborating on the disagreements - detailing the disagreements - specifying the disagreements - outlining the disagreements - presenting the disagreements - disclosing the disagreements - divulging the disagreements - airing the disagreements - publicizing the disagreements - broadcasting the disagreements - proclaiming the disagreements - announcing the disagreements - trumpeting the disagreements - heralding the disagreements - advertising the disagreements - promoting the disagreements - parading the disagreements

Das Hervorheben von Meinungsverschiedenheiten oder Konflikten innerhalb einer Diskussion oder Debatte. Dieser Prozess umfasst typischerweise das explizite Aufzeigen von Differenzen oder Widersprüchen zwischen verschiedenen Standpunkten oder Argumenten, mit dem Ziel, die zugrunde liegenden Probleme oder Meinungsverschiedenheiten deutlich zu machen und zu klären.

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