souls Synonym

Synonyme souls

spirits - essences - psyches - beings - entities - selves personas - characters - minds,iences - hearts - inner selves - life forces - animas - egos - identities - natures - cores - quintessences - vitalities - inner beings - inner spirits - inner lives - inner essences - inner natures - inner psyches - inner characters - inner entities - inner personas - inner minds - inner consciences - inner hearts - inner life forces - inner animas - inner egos - inner identities - inner cores - inner quintessences - inner vitalities

Souls are often considered the immaterial essence or the core aspect of living beings. In various religious, philosophical, and mythological traditions, the soul is viewed as a vital force that defines personal identity, consciousness, and character. Although interpretations of what a soul is and how it exists differ greatly among cultures and belief systems, it is generally seen as eternal and incorporeal. In some beliefs, the soul is thought to be the part of a person that persists after death, embarking on a journey to the afterlife.

Category: Philosophy Tags: Spirit Essence Life

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