soothsayers Synonym

Synonyme soothsayers

seers - prophets - oracles - diviners - clairvoyants - fortune-tellers - augurs - visionaries - mystics - mediums - psychics - sibyls - prognosticators - foretellers - crystal gazers - shamans - necromancers - haruspices - astrologers - magi - wizards - enchanters - conjurers - spellcasters - magicians - sorcerers - thaumaturgists - alchemists - dream interpreters - omen readers - fate readers - destiny readers - future tellers - spiritualists - mind readers - telepaths - intuitives - precognitives - foresighters - forecasters - predictors - vaticinators - divinators - chiromancers - palmists - chirologists - card readers - tarot readers - rune casters - lot casters

Soothsayers are individuals who claim to predict the future through various means, such as interpreting omens, communing with supernatural entities, or using divinatory tools like tarot cards or crystal balls. Their practices can be found in many cultures and historical periods, often playing a role in guiding decisions and providing comfort or warning to those seeking their insights.

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