sketchy evidence Synonym

Synonyme sketchy evidence

fragwürdige Beweise - unsichere Beweise - unklare Beweise - zweifelhafte Beweise - vage Beweise - unzuverlässige Beweise - schwammige Beweise - unaue Beweise - lückenhafte Beweise - unvollständige Beweise - wackelige Beweise unbeständige Beweise - unkonkrete Beweise nebulöse Beweise,haltbare Beweise

Sketchy evidence refers to information or proof that is unreliable or insufficiently substantiated. Such evidence often lacks thorough documentation or credible sources, making it questionable in legal or analytical contexts. In criminal investigations, for example, sketchy evidence may include witness statements that are inconsistent or forensic results that aren't easily replicated. The term highlights the need for caution when drawing conclusions based on incomplete or dubious information, as it can lead to misjudgments or wrongful decisions. It is essential for professionals in fields like law, journalism, and academia to critically evaluate the reliability of their sources to maintain integrity and accuracy in their work.

Category: Recht Tags: Beweis Indiz Unglaubwürdig

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