simplifying the architecture Synonym

Synonyme simplifying the architecture

streamlines the design - optimizes the structure - refines the framework - enhances the layout - clarifies the blueprint - simplifies the framework - reduces complexity - improves the design - makes the architecture more efficient - makes the structure more straightforward - makes the design more intuitive - makes the layout more user-friendly - makes the framework more accessible - makes the blueprint more understandable - makes the structure more coherent - makes the design more logical - makes the layout more organized - makes the framework more streamlined - makes the blueprint more concise - makes the structure more efficient - makes the design more effective - makes the layout more efficient - makes the framework more effective - makes the blueprint more efficient - makes the structure more practical - makes the design more practical - makes the layout more practical - makes the framework more practical - makes the blueprint more practical - makes the structure more manageable - makes the design more manageable - makes the layout more manageable - makes the framework more manageable - makes the blueprint more manageable - makes the design more straightforward - makes the layout more straightforward - makes the framework more straightforward - makes the blueprint more straightforward - makes the structure more streamlined - makes the design more streamlined - makes the layout more streamlined - makes the blueprint more streamlined - makes the structure more user-friendly - makes the design more user-friendly - makes the framework more user-friendly - makes the blueprint more user-friendly

Die Vereinfachung der Architektur bezieht sich auf den Prozess, das Design und die Struktur eines Softwaresystems zu optimieren, um sie verständlicher, wartbarer und effizienter zu machen. Dies umfasst die Reduzierung unnötiger Komplexität, die Förderung modularer und skalierbarer Designansätze sowie die Implementierung von Best Practices zur Gewährleistung einer klaren und logischen Systemstruktur. Ziel ist es, die Entwicklungszeit und -kosten zu senken, die Fehleranfälligkeit zu reduzieren und die Anpassungsfähigkeit des Systems zu erhöhen.

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