sickly Synonym

Synonyme sickly

unhealthy - frail - weak - ailing - feeble - delicate - infirm - unwell - debilitated - wan - pallid - peaked - puny - sick - indisposed - poorly - under the weather - peaky - fragile - languid - listless - enervated - wasted - emaciated - gaunt - haggard - sallow - washed-out - peaked-looking - run-down - bedridden - valetudinarian - morbid - decrepit - doddering - tottering - shaky - wobbly - rickety - spindly - spindling - etiolated - cadaverous - ghostly - spectral - ghastly - deathly - unhealthy-looking - sick-looking

The term 'sickly' is used to describe someone who frequently experiences illnesses or has a weak, unhealthy constitution. This person might often look pale, tired, and may have a frail physical appearance. It can also be used to describe an atmosphere, behavior, or condition that is unhealthy or suggests weakness.

Category: Health Tags: Illness Weak Unwell

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