showcasing the problems Synonym

Synonyme showcasing the problems

highlighting the issues - presenting the problems - demonstrating the issues - exhibiting the problems - displaying the issues - revealing the problems - illustrating the issues - exposing the problems - pointing out the issues - bringing to light the problems - emphasizing the issues - underscoring the problems - spotlighting the issues - drawing attention to the problems - making known the issues - unveiling the problems - publicizing the issues - airing the problems - disclosing the issues - manifesting the problems - portraying the issues - depicting the problems - laying bare the issues - elucidating the problems - clarifying the issues - explaining the problems - detailing the issues - outlining the problems - narrating the issues - describing the problems - reporting the issues - broadcasting the problems - sharing the issues - communicating the problems - articulating the issues - expressing the problems - voicing the issues - testifying to the problems - attesting to the issues - affirming the problems - corroborating the issues - substantiating the problems - verifying the issues - authenticating the problems - certifying the issues - validating the problems - confirming the issues - supporting the problems - backing up the issues

‘Showcasing the problems’ bezieht sich auf den Prozess des Aufzeigens, Präsentierens oder Darstellens von Problemen. Dies kann in einem beruflichen Kontext geschehen, um bestehende Herausforderungen oder Hindernisse zu veranschaulichen und möglicherweise Lösungsansätze zu diskutieren. Es impliziert eine gezielte und meist systematische Darstellung, um Aufmerksamkeit auf spezifische Probleme zu lenken.

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