romancing Synonym

Synonyme romancing

wooing - courting - flirting - seducing - charming - enchanting - captivating,uiling - enticing - alluring - pursuing - dating - serenading - sweet-talking - making advances - making love - falling for - infatuating - adoring - idolizing - loving - doting - fancying - smitten with - enamored with - infatuated with - besotted with - sweet on - carrying a torch for - having a crush on - being attracted to - being fond of - being keen on - being taken with - being enamored of - being infatuated with - being in love with - being passionate about - being devoted to - being crazy about - being mad about - being head over heels for - being sweet on - having a soft spot for - having a thing for - having eyes for - having feelings for - having a yen for - having a pash for

Romancing refers to the act of courting or wooing someone, typically showing affection and romantic interest with the aim of developing a loving relationship. It involves gestures, words, and actions that express love and admiration, often including taking the person on dates, giving gifts, and engaging in intimate conversations. The goal of romancing is often to build a deeper connection and potentially lead to a committed relationship.

Category: Love Tags: Courting Dating Flirting

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