renounces Synonym

Synonyme renounces

abandons - relinquishes - forsakes - surrenders - gives - disclaims - waives - abdicates - cedes - resigns - repudiates - forgoes - quits - deserts - leaves - drops - withdraws - abjures - recants - disavows - eschews - abnegates - yields - vacates - disowns - renunciates - forswears - abrogates - denies - rejects - sacrifices - discards - jettisons - ditches - departs from - turns away from - steps down from - backs out of - opts out of - secedes from - demits - discontinues - ceases - terminates - nullifies - annuls - cancels - voids - retracts - revokes

To renounce something means to formally declare one's abandonment of a claim, right, or possession. It is commonly used in legal contexts where an individual may renounce a title, inheritance, or citizenship, thereby giving up all associated rights and responsibilities. The act of renunciation is often documented to ensure legal acknowledgment of the individual's decision.

Category: Legal Tags: Waives Disowns Relinquish

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