renewing Synonym

Synonyme renewing

refreshing - reviving - rejuvenating - restoring - revitalizing - updating - renovating - regenerating - recharging - replenishing - refurbishing - reanimating - reestablishing - reconstituting - reconditioning - reawakening - reenergizing - reactivating - reinitiating - reintroducing - resuming - recommencing - restarting - resuscitating - reinvigorating - reequipping - retooling - modernizing - overhauling - upgrading - resetting - reworking - remodeling - remaking - redoing - reengineering - reconfiguring - reassembling - reprocessing

Renewing refers to the process of making something fresh or new again. This can involve restoring or updating an object, a structure, or an idea to bring it back to its original condition or to modernize it. The concept of renewing is widely applicable in many fields such as technology, where software and hardware may be renewed through updates, in nature where ecosystems renew themselves through cycles of birth and growth, and in personal lives where individuals may seek renewal through new experiences or self-improvement activities.

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