reckoning Synonym

Synonyme reckoning

calculation - estimation - assessment - evaluation - appraisal - judgment - computation - accounting - figuring - summation - tally - audit - count - summing-up - gauging - measurement - analysis - review - consideration - conclusion - opinion - belief - thought - view - idea - impression - perception - surmise - guess - hypothesis - theory - assumption - supposition - conjecture - inference - deduction - reasoning - rationale - logic - understanding - interpretation - insight - awareness - realization - recognition - acknowledgment - appreciation

Reckoning refers to the process of calculating or estimating something. It often involves accounting for items or tallying information to come to a conclusion. In a broader sense, it can also mean an appraisal or judgment of a situation, particularly in the context of evaluating outcomes or consequences. Historically, 'reckoning' can be found in contexts such as navigation, where sailors relied on 'dead reckoning' to determine their position at sea by estimating their course and distance traveled.

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