rants Synonym

Synonyme rants

tirades - diatribes - harangues - outbursts - fulminations - invectives - screeds - polemics - denunciations - jeremiads - philippics - vituperations - broadsides - attacks - criticisms - complaints - grievances - remonstrations - protests - objections - kvetches - beefs - gripes - moans - whines - carps - bitches - bellyaches - grouses - grumbles - squawks - squabbles - fusses - huffs - snits - snipes - snivels - wails - laments - bewails - bewailments - lamentations - kvetchings - kvetching

A rant is a type of speech characterized by passionate, often angry, and sometimes incoherent or unstructured expression. People usually go on rants when they are frustrated, outraged, or highly emotional about a particular topic. This can be done verbally or in writing, and it often involves expressing strong opinions or grievances in an unrestrained manner. Rants are common in personal conversations, social media posts, blogs, and even in formal settings when someone wants to draw attention to an issue they feel strongly about.

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