deliberates on the problem Synonym

Synonyme deliberates on the problem

ponders the problem - considers the problem - contemplates the problem - reflects on the problem - thinks about the problem - mulls over the problem - weighs the problem - examines the problem - studies the problem - reviews the problem - analyzes the problem - debates the problem - discusses the problem - evaluates the problem - scrutinizes the problem - investigates the problem - assesses the problem - meditates on the problem - ruminates on the problem - chews over the problem - broods over the problem - speculates on the problem - reasons about the problem - puzzles over the problem - questions the problem - deliberates over the problem

Considerar cuidadosamente um problema ou situação, ponderando todas as opções e consequências antes de tomar uma decisão. Este processo envolve a análise meticulosa dos detalhes e implica na busca por uma solução eficaz ou conclusão baseada em reflexão cuidadosa e debate.

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