prosecutes the duties Synonym

Synonyme prosecutes the duties

fulfills the responsibilities - carries out the tasks - performs the duties - executes the responsibilities - discharges the duties - undertakes the tasks - accomplishes the responsibilities - completes the duties - enacts the tasks - implements the responsibilities - administers the duties - manages the tasks - oversees the responsibilities - handles the duties - conducts the tasks - pursues the responsibilities - adheres to the duties - follows through with the tasks - attends to the responsibilities - takes care of the duties - operates the tasks - engages in the responsibilities - practices the duties - applies the tasks - exercises the responsibilities - observes the duties - maintains the tasks - sustains the responsibilities - upholds the duties - executes the tasks - fulfills the obligations - carries out the obligations - performs the obligations - discharges the obligations - undertakes the obligations - accomplishes the obligations - completes the obligations - enacts the obligations - implements the obligations - administers the obligations - manages the obligations - oversees the obligations - handles the obligations - conducts the obligations - pursues the obligations - adheres to the obligations - follows through with the obligations - attends to the obligations - takes care of the obligations

Der Ausdruck 'prosecutes the duties' bezieht sich darauf, dass jemand seine anfallenden Aufgaben oder Pflichten ausführt, oftmals mit Nachdruck und Ernsthaftigkeit. Es bedeutet, dass die Person die anvertrauten oder festgelegten Tätigkeiten gewissenhaft und effektiv durchführt. In beruflichen oder offiziellen Kontexten kann dies bedeuten, dass jemand seine zugewiesenen Verantwortungen gemäß den Anforderungen und Vorschriften erfüllt und hierbei einen strukturierten und professionellen Ansatz verfolgt.

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