procrastination Synonym

Synonyme procrastination

delay - postponement - deferment - deferral - stalling - dithering - hesitation - vacillation - wavering - indecision - temporizing - dilly-dallying - dawdling - dragging one's feet - foot-dragging - putting off - shilly-shallying - loitering - lingering - tarrying - idling - loafing - slacking - delaying tactics - playing for time - kicking the can down the road - dragging out - prolonging - extending - stretching out - protraction - adjournment - suspension - interruption - holdup - pause - break - respite - moratorium - hiatus - intermission - recess - lagging - stalling for time - hanging fire - marking time - waiting - biding time - holding off

Procrastination refers to the act of delaying or postponing tasks or decisions. It is a common behavioral issue wherein individuals may avoid activities or responsibilities, often replacing them with less important or more enjoyable tasks. Procrastination can lead to stress, feelings of guilt, and reduced productivity. Understanding the reasons behind procrastination, such as fear of failure, perfectionism, or a lack of motivation, can help in addressing and overcoming this tendency.

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