poltroonery Synonym

Synonyme poltroonery

cowardice - timidity - fearfulness - pusillanimity - faint-heartedness - spinelessness - cravenness - dastardliness - gutlessness - lily-liveredness - chicken-heartedness - yellow-belliedness - recreancy - funk - tremulousness - fear - apprehensiveness - nervousness - trepidation - faintness - weakness - irresolution - indecision - vacillation - wavering - shakiness - quailing - shrinking - cowering - skulking - dodging - evasion - retreat - flight - running away - desertion - abandonment - betrayal - perfidy - treachery - disloyalty - unfaithfulness - infidelity - faithlessness - unreliability - undependability - untrustworthiness - fickleness - inconstancy

Poltroonery refers to a distinct form of cowardice characterized by a lack of courage or resolve. It denotes behavior that is extremely timid and submissive to the point of disgrace. The term is rooted in historical contexts where being labeled as a 'poltroon' was considered a deep insult, connoting both moral and physical weakness. Today, the word is less common but still serves as a poignant descriptor of someone who shirks responsibility or exhibits betrayal due to fear.

Category: Cowardice Tags: Cowardice Fear Timidity

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