picture Synonym

Synonyme picture

image - photo - photograph - snapshot - portrait - illustration - depiction - representation - drawing - painting - print - likeness - shot - still - frame - visual - graphic - artwork - pic - snap - selfie - rendering - sketch - diagram - chart - icon - figure - tableau - scene - view - vision - portrayal - engraving - etching - lithograph - caricature - cartoon - mural - fresco - collage - montage - composition - design - blueprint - plan - map - layout

A picture is a visual representation of an object or scene, typically produced on a surface such as a canvas, paper, or screen. Pictures can be created using various mediums, such as photography, painting, or digital graphics, and serve as a means to capture, represent, or illustrate visual content. They are often used in art, communication, and documentation to convey ideas, emotions, events, or information.

Category: Art Tags: Image Photo Painting

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