passivity Synonym

Synonyme passivity

inactivity - inertia - indifference - apathy - lethargy - torpor - unresponsiveness - nonchalance - detachment - disinterest - sluggishness - dormancy - quiescence - stagnation - immobility - stillness - idleness - inaction - listlessness - insensibility - numbness - unconcern - phlegm - calmness - tranquility - serenity - placidity - docility - submissiveness - compliance - resignation - acquiescence - meekness - passiveness - stoicism - impassivity - indolence - languor - lassitude - torpidity - unassertiveness - quietism - nonresistance - nonaggression - neutrality - impassiveness - patience - forbearance - tolerance

Passivity refers to the state of being passive, which is characterized by the acceptance of or submission to what happens without an active response or resistance. It denotes a lack of initiative or the absence of action in response to external stimuli or situations. This behavior can often be seen in contexts where an individual or group does not actively engage or react, leading to a passive acceptance of circumstances. Passivity can be a personal trait or a situational response and may be influenced by various factors such as personality, cultural norms, situational dynamics, or psychological conditions.

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