mitigates the strain Synonym

Synonyme mitigates the strain

alleviates-the-burden - eases-the-pressure - reduces-the-stress - lessens-the-load - diminishes-the-tension - relieves-the-strain - lightens-the-burden - softens-the-impact moderates-the-stress - soothes-the-pressure - attenuates-the-strain - mitigates-the-pressure - alleviates-the-stress - reduces-the-load - lessens-the-pressure - diminishes-the-stress - relieves-the-burden - lightens-the-load - softens-the-strain - moderates-the-pressure - soothes-the-stress - attenuates-the-pressure - mitigates-the-load - alleviates-the-tension - reduces-the-strain - lessens-the-burden - diminishes-the-load - relieves-the-stress - lightens-the-strain - softens-the-burden - moderates-the-load - soothes-the-strain - attenuates-the-stress - mitigates-the-burden - alleviates-the-pressure - reduces-the-tension - lessens-the-stress - diminishes-the-burden - relieves-the-load - lightens-the-pressure - softens-the-stress - moderates-the-burden - soothes-the-load - attenuates-the-load - mitigates-the-tension - alleviates-the-strain - reduces-the-burden - lessens-the-tension

The phrase 'mitigates the strain' refers to actions or processes that lessen the intensity, severity, or impact of stress, pressure, or burden. It is commonly used in various contexts, particularly in health and well-being, to describe measures that help individuals cope with physical, emotional, or mental hardships. This can include medical interventions, lifestyle changes, or other forms of support designed to improve overall resilience and reduce the negative effects of strain.

Category: Health Tags: Alleviate Relieve Reduce

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