meditate Synonym

Synonyme meditate

contemplate - ponder - reflect - muse - ruminate - think - deliberate - consider - introspect - cogitate - brood - dwell - speculate - daydream - envision - imagine - focus - concentrate - pray - chant - relax - calm - center - be mindful - be present - be still - be quiet - be at peace - be tranquil - be serene - be composed - be reflective - be thoughtful - be introspective - be meditative - be contemplative - be pensive - be ruminative - be cogitative - be musing - be pondering - be deliberative - be speculative - be envisioning - be imagining - be focusing - be concentrating - be praying - be chanting

Meditation refers to a set of techniques that are intended to encourage a heightened state of awareness and focused attention. Meditation is also a consciousness-changing technique that has been shown to have a wide number of benefits on psychological well-being. The practice of meditation has been utilized across numerous cultures for centuries and helps individuals reflect deeply and reduce stress.

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