meddling Synonym

Synonyme meddling

interfering - intruding - prying - snooping - tampering - butting in - nosy - obtrusive - officious - meddlesome - intrusive - busybody - interloping - encroaching - intervening - trespassing - poking - barging in - interrupting - interceding - interposing - intrusiveness - interferingness - pryingness - snoopiness - tamperness - buttingness - nosiness - obtrusiveness - officiousness - meddlesomeness - busybodiness - interlopingness - encroachingness - interveningness - trespassingness - pokingness - bargingness - interruptingness - intercedingness - interposingness

Meddling refers to the act of interfering or involving oneself in matters that are not one's concern, often in a way that is considered annoying or unwelcome by others. This can include involvement in personal, professional, or public affairs without invitation or necessity, often leading to negative consequences or tensions.

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