manifesting the disparities Synonym

Synonyme manifesting the disparities

revealing the differences - showing the inequalities - highlighting the disparities - exposing the gaps - demonstrating the variances - illustrating the imbalances - uncovering the discrepancies - displaying the divergences - presenting the contrasts - bringing out the disparities - pointing out the differences - making visible the inequalities - laying bare the gaps - elucidating the variances - clar the imbalances - unmasking the discrepancies - showcasing the divergences - delineating the contrasts - emphasizing the disparities - stressing the differences - underlining the inequalities - accentuating the gaps - spotlighting the variances - drawing attention to the imbalances - identifying the discrepancies - marking the divergences - indicating the contrasts - signifying the disparities - denoting the differences - articulating the inequalities - specifying the gaps - detailing the variances - narrating the imbalances - chronicling the discrepancies - recounting the divergences - describing the contrasts - portraying the disparities - depicting the differences - characterizing the inequalities - outlining the gaps - mapping the variances - charting the imbalances - recording the discrepancies - documenting the divergences - reporting the contrasts - itemizing the disparities - listing the differences - cataloging the inequalities

Der Ausdruck 'manifesting the disparities' bezieht sich auf den Prozess oder die Handlung, Unterschiede, Ungleichheiten oder Diskrepanzen deutlich zu machen oder sichtbar zu machen. Es kann im sozialen, wirtschaftlichen oder politischen Kontext verwendet werden, um auf bestehende Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Gruppen, Klassen oder Individuen hinzuweisen. Dies kann durch Forschung, Analyse oder durch die Präsentation von Daten und Fakten geschehen, die diese Unterschiede offenlegen.

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