making a concession Synonym

Synonyme making a concession

compromising - yielding - conceding - acquiescing - surrendering - giving in - relenting - submitting - backing down - capitulating - caving in - agreeing - settling - negotiating - mediating - arbitrating - reconciling - appeasing - placating - accommodating - adjusting - moderating - tempering - softening - mitigating - alleviating - easing - relaxing - reducing - lessening - diminishing - abating - assuaging - mollifying - pacifying - soothing - calming - quieting - tranquilizing - harmonizing - balancing - equalizing - leveling - evening out - smoothing over - resolving - rectifying - amending - correcting - remedying

Making a concession refers to the act of yielding or granting something, usually in the context of negotiations or discussions. It involves giving up certain demands or accepting some terms proposed by the other party to reach a mutual agreement or settlement. Concessions can be essential in resolving conflicts, building relationships, and achieving balanced agreements where both parties make some sacrifices to move forward.

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