load Synonym

Synonyme load

burden - cargo - freight - weight - shipment - haul - consignment - payload - charge - encumbrance - pack - delivery - goods - merchandise - stock - supplies - inventory - batch - lot - bundle - mass - volume - quantity - amount - burdening - encumbering - lading - loading - onus - responsibility - task - duty - assignment - job - workload - obligation - pressure - strain - stress - weightiness - heft - bulk - capacity - fill - stuffing - filling - freightage

The term 'load' in computing refers to the amount of processing capacity and resources required by a computer system to perform tasks. High loads can affect system performance, leading to slower response times or system crashes. In server environments, load is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and load balancing techniques are used to distribute workload evenly across servers.

Category: Technologie Tags: Load Computing Server

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