lending credence to a claim Synonym

Synonyme lending credence to a claim

supporting - endorsing - validating - substantiating - corroborating - confirming - backing - affirming - upholding - justifying - authenticating - verifying - bolstering - reinforcing - strengthening - approving - ratifying - attesting to - certifying - legitimizing - sustaining - advocating - championing - promoting - defending - arguing for - making a case for - standing by - standing up for - vouching for - giving weight to - giving credence to - giving support to - giving backing to - giving validation to - giving confirmation to - giving endorsement to - giving substantiation to - giving reinforcement to - giving justification to - giving authentication to - giving verification to - giving approval to - giving ratification to - giving attestation to - giving certification to - giving legitimacy to

Der Ausdruck 'lending credence to a claim' bedeutet, einer Behauptung Glaubwürdigkeit zu verleihen oder sie zu unterstützen. Dies kann durch das Vorlegen von Beweismitteln, das Zitieren von vertrauenswürdigen Quellen oder durch andere Maßnahmen erfolgen, die darauf abzielen, die Gültigkeit oder Richtigkeit der Behauptung zu untermauern.

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