laziness Synonym

Synonyme laziness

indolence - idleness - sloth - lethargy - sluggishness - inactivity - inertia - torpor - languor - apathy - listlessness - shiftlessness - loafing - procrastination - dullness - laxness - slackness - dormancy - passivity - unproductiveness - lackadaisicalness - supineness - hebetude - otiosity - faineance - languidness - torpidity - ennui - weariness - fatigue - tiredness - drowsiness - somnolence - sleepiness - heaviness - languishment - lassitude - enervation - phlegm - indifference - nonchalance - unconcern - neglectfulness - remissness - dilatoriness - trifling - triflingness - unindustriousness

Laziness refers to the quality or state of being unwilling to work or use energy. It is often characterized by a lack of motivation and an inclination to do nothing or remain idle rather than engage in purposeful activities. In some contexts, laziness can be viewed negatively as it is associated with procrastination and a lack of productivity. However, in other perspectives, taking breaks and allowing oneself to be lazy at times is seen as necessary for mental health and well-being.

Category: Behavior Tags: Inertia Indolence Sloth

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