lash Synonym

Synonyme lash

whip - flog - scourge - strap - switch - beat - strike, - thrash - spank - belt - cane - birch - flagellate - flail - swat - smack - wallop - whack - thump - pummel - batter - clobber - hammer - pound - bash - club - cudgel - trounce - drub - lambaste - pelt - buffet - bludgeon - maul - whop - sock - slug - clout - cuff - rap - crack - slap - swipe - thwack - welt

A 'lash' refers to a quick blow or stroke with a whip or a similar implement. It can also mean an eyelash, the delicate hairs growing on the edge of the eyelids. In a figurative sense, 'lash' can describe a sharp rebuke or the act of criticizing harshly.

Category: Beauty Tags: Eyelash Whip Strike

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