lark Synonym

Synonyme lark

frolic - prank - escapade - caper - jest - antic - spree - adventure - joke - whim - fun - amusement - merriment - revelry - jape - gag - trick - shenanigan - high jinks - horseplay - tomfoolery - skylarking - mischief - romp - play - sport - diversion - pastime - game - entertainment - pleasure - joy - delight - hilarity - glee - cheer - mirth - festivity - jollity - jolliness - joviality - buoyancy - exuberance - vivacity - zest - zestfulness - effervescence - lightheartedness - jaunt

A lark is a type of songbird found widely in the temperate regions of the world. Known for their melodic singing and aerial displays, larks are often associated with joy and carefree spirit. They are found in open landscapes such as grasslands and farmlands. The term 'lark' can also colloquially refer to a playful adventure or activity.

Kategorie: Animals Tags: Fun Bird Skylark

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