lack of fervor Synonym

Synonyme lack of fervor

indifference - apathy - disinterest - lethargy - nonchalance - unconcern - detachment - coolness - insouciance - listlessness - passivity - torpor - unenthusiasm - languor - ennui - tepidity - halfheartedness - unresponsiveness - aloofness - indolence - sluggishness - inertia - phlegm - lassitude - dullness - unfeelingness - numbness - coldness - unpassionateness - unexcitability - unanimatedness - spiritlessness - unenergeticness - unzealousness - unspiritedness - unvigor - unardor - unenthusiasticness - unkeeness - unzeal

Lack of fervor refers to the absence or deficiency of passion, enthusiasm, or intense emotion in a situation or towards a particular activity. It implies a state of indifference, apathy, or lack of interest, where there is no strong emotional engagement or excitement. This term can be used in various contexts such as personal relationships, professional endeavors, or general outlook on life, indicating a lack of motivation or zeal.

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