33 Synonym-Gruppen zu Diplomatie

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Synonyme zum Thema Diplomatie

arranging a diplomatic pact

Negotiating a treaty, brokering an agreement, establishing a pact, forming an alliance, concluding a treaty, drafting a treaty, finalizing an agreement, securing a deal, hammering out a pact, reaching... [mehr]

accomplishing a diplomatic solution

achieving a diplomatic resolution, securing a diplomatic agreement, reaching a diplomatic settlement, obtaining a diplomatic accord, finalizing a diplomatic deal, concluding a diplomatic arrangement,... [mehr]

brokering a diplomatic solution

Vermittlung einer diplomatischen Lösung, Aushandlung einer diplomatischen Lösung, Moderation einer diplomatischen Lösung, Schlichtung einer diplomatischen Lösung, Mediation einer d... [mehr]

appeasing the conflict

calming the conflict, pacifying the conflict, mitigating the conflict, alleviating the conflict, soothing the conflict, easing the conflict, defusing the conflict, resolving the conflict, placating th... [mehr]

reaching a peaceful settlement

coming to an agreement, resolving a conflict, finding a resolution, achieving harmony, reaching a consensus, settling differences, making peace, finding common ground, resolving differences, reaching... [mehr]

establish a peace agreement

negotiate a truce, broker a peace deal, forge a peace treaty, secure a peace accord, reach a peace settlement, conclude a peace pact, finalize a peace agreement, arrange a ceasefire, settle a peace tr... [mehr]

secure a peace agreement

establish a peace agreement, achieve a peace agreement, finalize a peace agreement, conclude a peace agreement, negotiate a peace agreement, broker a peace agreement, arrange a peace agreement, settle... [mehr]

mediate a peace treaty

negotiate, arbitrate, broker, facilitate, moderate, intervene, conciliate, reconcile, settle, resolve, intercede, liaise, act as a go-between, act as an intermediary, act as a middleman, act as a peac... [mehr]

facilitate a peace settlement

mediate, negotiate, broker, arbitrate, conciliate, intervene, moderate, resolve, settle, reconcile, assist, aid, support, help, promote, encourage, foster, expedite, advance, further, smooth, ease, si... [mehr]

bring about a ceasefire

negotiate a truce, establish a ceasefire, broker peace, arrange a ceasefire, secure a truce, mediate a ceasefire, achieve a ceasefire, facilitate a truce, initiate a ceasefire, implement a ceasefire,... [mehr]

negotiate a peace agreement

mediate a peace treaty, broker a peace deal, arrange a peace settlement, facilitate a peace accord, negotiate a truce, settle a peace agreement, reach a peace agreement, conclude a peace treaty, estab... [mehr]

seal a truce

make peace, settle a truce, conclude a truce, agree to a truce, establish a truce, finalize a truce, secure a truce, cement a truce, confirm a truce, ratify a truce, formalize a truce, endorse a truce... [mehr]

negotiate a suspension of hostilities

arrange a ceasefire, broker a truce, mediate a halt in fighting, facilitate a peace agreement negotiate a truce, arrange a peace deal, broker a ceasefire, mediate a ceasefire, facilitate a truce, nego... [mehr]

negotiate a cessation of hostilities

broker a truce, arrange a ceasefire, mediate a peace agreement, facilitate a halt in fighting, negotiate a peace deal, secure a ceasefire, establish a truce, arrange a peace settlement, mediate a cess... [mehr]

achieving a peaceful agreement

reaching a consensus, finding common ground, settling differences, coming to terms, making peace, resolving conflicts, negotiating a truce, establishing harmony, achieving reconciliation, brokering a... [mehr]