insurrectionists Synonym

Synonyme insurrectionists

rebels - revolutionaries - insurgents - mutineers - rioters - subversives - agitators - dissenters - anarchists - seditionists - traitors - conspirators - plotters - guerrillas - freedom fighters - militants - radicals - nonconformists - protestors - demonstrators - revolutionists - insurrectionaries - insurrectos - combatants - belligerents - partisans - resistance fighters - oppositionists - malcontents - mutinous - defiers - challengers - opposers - objectors - resisters

Insurrectionists are individuals or groups who actively participate in an insurrection, which is a violent uprising against an authority or government. The goal of insurrectionists is typically to challenge and overthrow the existing power structures, enforce radical changes, or disrupt the established order. They often use methods such as protests, armed conflict, and civil disobedience to achieve their aims. The term is often used in contexts where there is a perceived legitimacy or justification for the uprising, differentiating insurrectionists from rebels or terrorists in some discussions.

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