indifference Synonym

Synonyme indifference

apathy - unconcern - disinterest - detachment - aloofness - nonchalance - disregard - insouciance - unresponsiveness - impassivity - coolness - lack of interest - lack of concern - indolence - torpor - lethargy - ennui - listlessness - passivity - neutrality - impartiality - objectivity - dispassion - stoicism - phlegm - insensitivity - unfeelingness - coldness - heartlessness - unmindfulness - inattention - neglect - negligence - heedlessness - carelessness - remissness - laxity - slackness - inattentiveness - thoughtlessness - torpidity - numbness - insensibility - insensitiveness - unawareness - obliviousness - inobservance - inappreciation - inapprehension

Indifference refers to the lack of interest, concern, or sympathy towards something or someone. It represents a neutral or apathetic emotional state wherein an individual does not feel strongly about a certain matter or maintains an absence of emotional response. This can manifest in personal relationships, professional environments, or towards social and global issues, often leading to passive behavior or non-involvement.

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