in a state of unrest Synonym

Synonyme in a state of unrest

agitated - disturbed - unsettled - uneasy - turbulent - restless, - perturbed - dised - troubled - nervous - tense - jittery - fidgety - apprehensive - worried - fretful - on edge - jumpy - skittish - flustered - ruffled - discomposed - unbalanced - unhinged - fraught - overwrought - upset - distressed - alarmed - shaken - stirred - flurried - disconcerted - discombobulated - unnerved - in turmoil - in a tizzy - in a dither - in a flap - in a lather - in a stew - in a state - in a frenzy - in a panic - in a sweat - in a flutter - in a whirl

The phrase 'in a state of unrest' refers to a condition where there is significant emotional or social disturbance. This can manifest in various forms, such as political instability, personal anxiety, or collective agitation among a group of people. The feeling is often marked by a lack of peace, uncertainty, and frequent changes in mood or circumstance. In a state of unrest, normal activities are disrupted, and there may be a pervasive sense of unease and tension.

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