identifying the challenges Synonym

Synonyme identifying the challenges

recognizing the challenges - pinpointing the challenges - detecting the challenges - discerning the challenges - spotting the challenges - discovering the challenges - noting the challenges - observing the challenges - perceiving the challenges - acknowledging the challenges - understanding the challenges - realizing the challenges - finding the challenges - ascertaining the challenges - determining challenges - diagnosing the challenges - distinguishing the challenges - identifying the difficulties - recognizing the difficulties - pinpointing the difficulties - detecting the difficulties - discerning the difficulties - spotting the difficulties - discovering the difficulties - noting the difficulties - observing the difficulties - perceiving the difficulties - acknowledging the difficulties - understanding the difficulties - realizing the difficulties - finding the difficulties - ascertaining the difficulties - determining the difficulties - diagnosing the difficulties - distinguishing the difficulties - identifying the obstacles - recognizing the obstacles - pinpointing the obstacles - detecting the obstacles - discerning the obstacles - spotting the obstacles - discovering the obstacles - noting the obstacles - observing the obstacles - perceiving the obstacles - acknowledging the obstacles - understanding the obstacles - realizing the obstacles - finding the obstacles

Der Prozess, die spezifischen Hindernisse, Schwierigkeiten oder Probleme innerhalb eines Projekts, einer Organisation oder einer Aufgabe zu erkennen und zu verstehen. Dabei werden methodische und analytische Ansätze verwendet, um diese Herausforderungen zu identifizieren, ihre Ursachen zu bestimmen und mögliche Lösungen zu finden. Es ist ein wesentlicher Aspekt des Projektmanagements und der strategischen Planung, um sicherzustellen, dass potentielle Risiken frühzeitig erkannt und Maßnahmen ergriffen werden können, um den Erfolg der Vorhaben sicherzustellen.

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