hogwash Synonym

Synonyme hogwash

nonsense - rubbish - balderdash - drivel - claptrap - bunk - twaddle - poppycock - baloney - gibberish - malarkey - mumbo jumbo - piffle - rot - tommyrot - bunkum - blather - blarney - hooey - phooey - tripe - guff - eyewash - moonshine - bull - bullocks - codswallop - flapdoodle - hokum - humbug - jabberwocky - jive - palaver - prattle - rigmarole - shenanigans - silliness - waffle - wind - bosh - cock-and-bull - fairy tale - hot air - jazz

Hogwash refers to nonsense or foolish talk. It's a term used to describe statements or ideas that are considered absurd, irrelevant, or false. Frequently used in informal conversation, it implies that the information being presented is of no value and perhaps intentionally misleading. The term has a slightly humorous connotation, often evoking an image of something utterly ridiculous.

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