highlighting the realities Synonym

Synonyme highlighting the realities

shedding light on - revealing - exposing - uncovering - bringing to light - illuminating - showcasing - pointing out - emphasizing - underlining - stressing - accentuating - drawing attention to - making clear - clarifying - demonstrating - illustrating - manifesting - presenting - displaying - bringing out - bringing into focus - spotlighting - foregrounding - elucidating - explaining - detailing - laying bare - unmasking - disclosing - divulging - unearthing - bringing to the forefront - making visible - making apparent - making known - bringing to the surface - bringing to public attention - bringing to the fore - making evident - making obvious - making plain - making manifest - making perceptible - making discernible - making noticeable - making conspicuous - making prominent - making salient - making striking - making vivid

Highlighting the realities bedeutet, die wahren Zustände und Umstände einer Situation klar und deutlich hervorzuheben. Dies kann in verschiedenen Kontexten genutzt werden, wie in den Medien, in sozialen Bewegungen oder in persönlichen Gesprächen, um Missstände oder Wahrheiten, die oft übersehen oder ignoriert werden, ins Licht zu rücken.

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