high spirits Synonym

Synonyme high spirits

cheerfulness - exuberance - enthusiasm - buoyancy - liveliness - merriment - gaiety - vivacity - zest - ebullience - elation - joyfulness - lightheartedness - jollity - animation - perkiness - effervescence - sprightliness - jocundity - mirth - joviality - optimism - positivity - good humor - high energy - spiritedness - peppiness - chirpiness - cheer - happiness - delight - glee - bliss - radiance - sparkle - brightness - sunniness - playfulness - friskiness - frolicsomeness - jocularity - festivity - jubilation - exhilaration - rapture - euphoria - blissfulness - gladness - contentment

High spirits refer to a state of elation, energy, and enthusiasm. It describes a mood where an individual feels exceptionally lively, happy, and enthusiastic, often exhibiting energetic behavior and positive outlooks. Individuals in high spirits are typically very confident and buoyant, making them appear more engaging and charismatic to those around them. This state can often be spontaneous or a response to positive events, achievements, or social interactions.

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