green around the gills Synonym

Synonyme green around the gills

pale - sickly - unwell - ill - nauseous - queasy - peaky - wan - ashen - pallid - pasty - sallow - unhealthy - off-color - peaked - bilious - haggard - peaked-looking - under the weather - not well - indisposed - faint - weak - washed-out - drawn - ghastly - deathly - green - unfit - infirm - debilitated - poorly - seedy - rough - under par - out of sorts - below par - off - off form - off one's game - feeling rotten - feeling lousy - feeling wretched - feeling awful - feeling terrible - feeling dreadful - feeling poorly - feeling sick

The expression 'green around the gills' is an English idiom used to describe someone who looks sick or nauseous. It often refers to the appearance of someone who is about to vomit or is feeling very unwell. The term 'gills' refers to the area on either side of the neck, and being 'green' in this context is akin to looking pale or having an unhealthy coloration, typically associated with gastrointestinal distress or motion sickness.

Category: Health Tags: Illness Nausea Pallor

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