gets things started Synonym

Synonyme gets things started

initiates - begins - launches - commences - starts - sets in motion - kicks off triggers - activates - instigates - inaugurates - opens - sets off - embarks on - undertakes - sets about - gets underway - sets going - lights the fuse - sets the ball rolling - gets the show on the - gets cracking - gets moving - gets rolling - gets in gear - gets to work - gets down to business - gets off the ground - gets into action - gets into gear - gets into motion - gets into swing - gets into the groove - gets into the flow - gets into the rhythm - gets into the stride - gets into the swing of things - gets into the thick of things - gets into the zone - gets on track - gets up and running - gets up to speed - gets with the program - hits the ground running - makes a start - sets the stage - takes the plunge

Der Ausdruck ‘gets things started’ bedeutet, dass jemand oder etwas den Anfang eines Prozesses oder Ereignisses initiiert. Diese Phrase wird oft verwendet, um jemanden zu beschreiben, der gut darin ist, Dinge in die Gänge zu bringen oder Aktivitäten zu beginnen. Es kann sich auf die Motivationsfähigkeit einer Person beziehen, die Energie und Tatendrang besitzt, um Aufgaben oder Projekte anzustoßen.

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