gets cracking Synonym

Synonyme gets cracking

gets going - starts - begins - initiates - kicks off - launches - commences - embarks - sets in motion - gets underway - sets off - gets started - gets moving - gets rolling - gets into gear - gets to work - gets down to business - gets on with it - gets the ball rolling - gets things moving - gets things started - gets things going - gets things underway - gets things in motion - gets things off the ground - gets things rolling - gets things into gear - gets things to work - gets things down to business - gets things on the move - gets things on the go - gets things on track - gets things in gear - gets things in action - gets things in progress - gets things in operation - gets things in play - gets things in swing - gets things in full swing

The phrase 'get cracking' is an informal expression in English that means to start doing something quickly or to be energetic and efficient in completing a task. It conveys a sense of urgency and motivation, often used to encourage someone to begin an activity promptly. For example, if someone is procrastinating or delaying, they might be told to 'get cracking' to emphasize the need to start taking action immediately.

Category: Action Tags: Anfangen Handeln Loslegen

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